Shell Python


DomainCrawler API banner

Welcome to the DomainResearch API documentation! By accessing our endpoints, you’ll get information on various domains in our database.

We have language bindings in Shell and Python! We’ll surely have some more soon:) On the right, you can see code examples and it is super easy to switch them using tabs in the top right.


To authorize, pass the credentials with each request:

import requests

r = requests.get(
    auth=('user', 'password'),
curl -u "user:password" "https://api_endpoint_here/" ...

Or, use an authentication token instead in the HTTP header:

import requests

r = requests.get(
    headers={"X-Auth-Token", "db7b9833"},
curl -H "X-Auth-Token: db7b9833" "https://api_endpoint_here/" ...

DomainCrawler API banner

DomainResearch API provides authentication by login/password and by using tokens. The second method is preferable if you want to share access to API via your own account, but don’t want to share a plain text password. You can create up to 5 authentication tokens on the My Account page.

Search endpoint

import requests

r =
    auth=('user', 'password'),
                    "field": "title",
                            "query_type": "all_words",
                            "value": "airpods"
                    "field": "apps",
                    "values": [
                            "query_type": "eq",
                            "value": {
                                "categories": "Ecommerce",
                                "name": [
                    "field": "tld",
                    "values": [
                            "query_type": "in",
                            "value": [
        "limit": 100,
        "format": "json"

curl -u "user:password" '' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-raw '{
    "format": "json",
    "from": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "query": [
            "field": "title",
            "values": [
                    "query_type": "all_words",
                    "value": "airpods"
            "field": "apps",
            "values": [
                    "query_type": "eq",
                    "value": {
                        "categories": "Ecommerce",
                        "name": [
            "field": "tld",
            "values": [
                    "query_type": "in",
                    "value": [

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "domains": [
            "domain": "",
            "registration_date": "2020-05-30T16:37:37.000Z",
    "tlds": {
        "com": 22,
        "store": 2
    "total": 24

DomainCrawler API banner


This is the main endpoint for searching through the data. It returns domains list for the given search query.

HTTP Request


JSON parameters

Parameter Value Description
query {object with filters} Put desired filters here.
See below for the detailed description about each filter.
limit 100 Set the limit for the results. Put 0 to disable limit.
format “csv”, “json”, “xlsx” Specify the response format.
historical true, false Optional. Specify if you want to search though old historical records
fields [array of strings] Optional. Specify output fields.
sort string Optional. Defaults to domain

Output fields

// An example of output fields
"fields": [
// An example of output fields as a port of a whole request payload
    "fields": [
    "sort": "registrar",
    "format": "json",
    "from": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "query": [

You can choose what fields should be present in a response. domain is always included

Default output fields:

All available output fields:


// An example of sorting by registrar
"sort": "registrar"
// An example of sorting as a port of a whole request payload
    "fields": [
    "sort": "registrar",
    "format": "json",
    "from": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "query": [

You can specify a field to sort results by.
To sort in descending order, put - in the beginning, e.g. -registration_date.
Defaults to domain.

Available fields to sort by:

Extra options

Some filters support additional search options. To use them, add extra_options object in filter values.

This option allows for search of strings that slightly differ from the specified string.
An edit distance is the number of one-character changes needed to turn one term into another. These changes can include:

    "extra_options": [
            "edit_distance": "Auto",  // can be "Auto", 1, or 2
            "name": "fuzzy_search",
            "value": true
// Example for HTML Content filter
    "field": "html_content",
    "values": [
            "query_type": "all_words",
            "value": "airpods",
            "extra_options": [
                    "edit_distance": "Auto",
                    "name": "fuzzy_search",
                    "value": true

HTML Content Filter

    "field": "html_content",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "all_words",
            "value": "airpods"

This filter allows full-text search in website Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords, H1 Text.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

HTML Language Filter

    "field": "html_lang",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "all_words",
            "value": "en"

This filter allows full-text search in website HTML Language.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Title Filter

    "field": "title",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "all_words",
            "value": "airpods"

This filter allows full-text search in website Title.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

    "field": "social_media_links",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "all_words",
            "value": "airpods"

This filter allows full-text search in website Title.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Keywords Filter

    "field": "meta_keywords",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "all_words",
            "value": "airpods"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Keywords.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Description Filter

    "field": "meta_description",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "all_words",
            "value": "airpods"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Description.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Author Filter

    "field": "meta_author",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Michael Scott"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Author.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Content Language

    "field": "meta_content_language",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "sv-se"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Content Language.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Subject

    "field": "meta_subject",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "gifts"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Subject.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

    "field": "meta_copyright",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "OVHcloud"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Copyright.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Abstract

    "field": "meta_abstract",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Cheap Domains"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Abstract.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Summary

    "field": "meta_summary",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Full-Stack Web Development"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Summary.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Classification

    "field": "meta_classification",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Government"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Classification.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Owner

    "field": "meta_owner",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "ACTIVE 24, s.r.o."

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Owner.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Pagename

    "field": "meta_pagename",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "home"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Pagename.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Category

    "field": "meta_category",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Article"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Category.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Coverage

    "field": "meta_coverage",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Worldwide"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Coverage.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Distribution

    "field": "meta_distribution",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Global"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Distribution.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Subtitle

    "field": "meta_subtitle",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Create a website"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Subtitle.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta DC

    "field": "meta_dc_title",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Poker Online"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta DC.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Medium

    "field": "meta_medium",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "news"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Medium.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Title

    "field": "meta_og_title",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Home"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Title.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Type

    "field": "meta_og_type",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "website"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Type.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Site Name

    "field": "meta_og_site_name",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "My Store"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Site Name.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Description

    "field": "meta_og_description",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "My WordPress Blog"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Description.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Email

    "field": "meta_og_email",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": ""

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Email.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Phone Number

    "field": "meta_og_phone_number",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "+421944710610"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Phone Number.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Fax Number

    "field": "meta_og_fax_number",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "+498215085951"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Fax Number.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Latitude

    "field": "meta_og_latitude",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "52.6562100"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Latitude.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Longitude

    "field": "meta_og_longitude",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "13.7803300"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Longitude.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Street Address

    "field": "meta_og_street_address",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "7 St. Thomas Street"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Street Address.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Locality

    "field": "meta_og_locality",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Toronto"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Locality.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Region

    "field": "meta_og_region",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Stockholm"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Region.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Postal Code

    "field": "meta_og_postal_code",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "9002"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Postal Code.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Country Name

    "field": "meta_og_country_name",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Canada"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Country Name.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Profile First Name

    "field": "meta_og_profile_first_name",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Billy"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Profile First Name.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Profile Last Name

    "field": "meta_og_profile_last_name",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Mollenthiel"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Profile Last Name.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Profile Username

    "field": "meta_og_profile_username",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "afrigon"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Profile Username.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Profile Gender

    "field": "meta_og_profile_gender",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "male"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Profile Gender.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Article Author

    "field": "meta_og_article_author",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "jeffmax"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Article Author.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Article Section

    "field": "meta_og_article_section",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Portfolio"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Article Section.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta OpenGraph Article Tag

    "field": "meta_og_article_tag",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Evil Dead Rise full movie"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta OpenGraph Article Tag.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Facebook App Id

    "field": "meta_fb_app_id",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "458874494136988"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Facebook App Id.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Facebook Page Id

    "field": "meta_fb_page_id",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "147312648640748"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Facebook Page Id.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Facebook Admins

    "field": "meta_fb_admins",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "jonleeclark,KristieRose1,100001718930699"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Facebook Admins.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Twitter Card

    "field": "meta_twitter_card",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "summary"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Twitter Card.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Twitter Creator

    "field": "meta_twitter_creator",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "@author_handle"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Twitter Creator.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Twitter Site

    "field": "meta_twitter_site",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "@saifmashrur"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Twitter Site.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Twitter Title

    "field": "meta_twitter_title",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "SHELBY FF"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Twitter Title.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Meta Twitter Description

    "field": "meta_twitter_description",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "exact_phrase",
            "value": "Gaming Community"

This filter allows full-text search in website Meta Twitter Description.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

    "field": "link_icon",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "has_value",
            "value": true

This filter allows full-text search in website Link Icon URL.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

    "field": "link_author",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "has_value",
            "value": true

This filter allows full-text search in website Link Author URL.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

    "field": "link_me",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "has_value",
            "value": true

This filter allows full-text search in website Link Me URL.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

    "field": "link_license",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "has_value",
            "value": true

This filter allows full-text search in website Link License URL.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

    "field": "link_alternate_hreflangs",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "any_word",
            "value": "de-DE"

This filter allows full-text search in website Link Alternate Hreflangs.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

h1 Text Filter

    "field": "h1_text",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "all_words",
            "value": "airpods"

This filter allows full-text search in website h1 Text.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Apps Filter

    "field": "apps",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator.
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": {
                "categories": "Ecommerce",
                "name": [

This filter allows search for domains that are using a specified technology.
Please, view DomainResearch GUI version to see all possible technologies categories and names:

DomainResearch GUI version

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

TLD Filter

    "field": "tld",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "in",
            "value": [

This filter allows search by a domain’s TLD.

query_type description
in the list of TLDs to search for
eq if you want to search for exact match for a TLD’s name
contains if you want to search for a TLD’s name that contains a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a TLD’s name with given value
regex if you want to search for a TLD’s name that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a TLD’s name that matches a specified wildcard
starts_with if you want to search for a TLD’s name that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a TLD’s name that ends with a specified string

SLD Filter

    "field": "sld",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": ""

This filter allows search by a domain’s SLD.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s SLD
regex if you want to search for a domain’s SLD that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s SLD that matches a specified wildcard

Domain Name Filter

    "field": "domain",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "starts_with",
            "value": "cooldomain"

This filter allows searching a substring in domain name using substring or regular expression.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s name
contains if you want to search for a domain’s name that contains a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s name with given value
regex if you want to search for a domain’s name that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s name that matches a specified wildcard
starts_with if you want to search for a domain’s name that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain’s name that ends with a specified string

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Domain Length Filter

    "field": "domain_length",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "gt",
            "value": "5"

This filter allows filtering by a domain length.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for domains with an exact length
lt if you want to search for domains with a length less than a given value
lte if you want to search for domains with a length less than or equal to a given value
gt if you want to search for domains with a length greater than a given value
gte if you want to search for domains with a length greater than or equal to a given value

Redirect Filter

    "field": "redirect",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": ""

This filter allows filtering by a domain redirect target. Search occurs in each step of a redirect chain, so intermediate redirect targets will be processed too.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for a domain in the redirect chain
contains if you want to search for a domain in the redirect chain that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a domain in the redirect chain that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain in the redirect chain that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain in the redirect chain
regex if you want to search for a domain in the redirect chain that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain in the redirect chain that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Creation Date Filter

    "field": "registration_date",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "gte",
            "value": "2021-05-14"

This filter allows filtering by a domain Creation Date.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for domains with an exact creation date
lt if you want to search for domains with a creation date less than a given value
lte if you want to search for domains with a creation date less than or equal to a given value
gt if you want to search for domains with a creation date greater than a given value
gte if you want to search for domains with a creation date greater than or equal to a given value
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Expiration Date Filter

    "field": "expiration_date",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "lte",
            "value": "2021-05-14"

This filter allows filtering by a domain Expiration Date.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for domains with an exact expiration date
lt if you want to search for domains with a expiration date less than a given value
lte if you want to search for domains with a expiration date less than or equal to a given value
gt if you want to search for domains with a expiration date greater than a given value
gte if you want to search for domains with a expiration date greater than or equal to a given value
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Update Date Filter

    "field": "last_update_date",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "gte",
            "value": "2021-05-14"

This filter allows filtering by a domain Update Date.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for domains with an exact update date
lt if you want to search for domains with an update date less than a given value
lte if you want to search for domains with an update date less than or equal to a given value
gt if you want to search for domains with an update date greater than a given value
gte if you want to search for domains with an update date greater than or equal to a given value
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Addition Date Filter

    "field": "addition_date",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "gte",
            "value": "2021-05-14"

This filter allows filtering by a date when a domain was added to the IV database. For example, it allows to get recently added domains when using “gt” or “gte” query type.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for domains with an addition update date
lt if you want to search for domains with an addition date less than a given value
lte if you want to search for domains with an addition date less than or equal to a given value
gt if you want to search for domains with an addition date greater than a given value
gte if you want to search for domains with an addition date greater than or equal to a given value
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Registrar ID Filter

    "field": "registrar_id",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "in",
            "value": [

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registrar ID.

query_type description
in if you want to search for a domain’s registrar id from a specified list
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s registrar id with given value
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Registrar Name Filter

    "field": "registrar",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "contains",
            "value": "Registrar name"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registrar Name.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s registrar name
contains if you want to search for a domain’s registrar name that contains a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s registrar name with given value
starts_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrar name that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrar name that ends with a specified string
all_words if you want to search for the all words that contain a domain’s registrar name
any_word if you want to search for any word that contain a domain’s registrar name
exact_phrase if you want to search for a phrase in a domain’s registrar name
regex if you want to search for a domain’s registrar name that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s registrar name that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Registrar Abuse Contact Email Filter

    "field": "registrar_abuse_email",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "contains",
            "value": "mail"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registrar Abuse Contact Email.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Registrar Abuse Contact Phone Filter

    "field": "registrar_abuse_phone",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "contains",
            "value": "87"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registrar Abuse Contact Phone.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Admin Name Filter

    "field": "admin_name",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "John Smith"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Admin Name.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Admin Organization Name Filter

    "field": "admin_organization",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "Example Com, LLC"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Admin Organization Name.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Admin Organization Name Filter

    "field": "admin_organization",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "Example Com, LLC"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Admin Organization Name.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Admin Phone Filter

    "field": "admin_phone",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "+347354637"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Admin Phone.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Admin Fax Filter

    "field": "admin_fax",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "+347354637"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Admin Fax.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Admin Email Filter

    "field": "admin_email",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": ""

This filter allows search by a domain’s Admin Email.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Admin Country Filter

    "field": "admin_country",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "us"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Admin Country.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Admin City Filter

    "field": "admin_city",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "Oslo"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Admin City.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Admin State Filter

    "field": "admin_state",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "Oslo County"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Admin State.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Admin Postal Code Filter

    "field": "admin_postal_code",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "0501"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Admin Postal Code.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Admin Street Filter

    "field": "admin_street",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "all_words",
            "value": "Lake Drive"

This filter allows full-text search in website’s Admin address.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Tech Name Filter

    "field": "tech_name",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "James Harold Nelson"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Tech Name.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Tech Organization Filter

    "field": "tech_organization",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "Example LLC"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Tech Organization.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Tech Phone Filter

    "field": "tech_phone",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "+304958332"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Tech Phone.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Tech Fax Filter

    "field": "tech_fax",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "+304958332"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Tech Fax.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Tech Email Filter

    "field": "tech_email",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": ""

This filter allows search by a domain’s Tech Email.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Tech Country Filter

    "field": "tech_country",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "us"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Tech Country.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Tech City Filter

    "field": "tech_city",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "Oslo"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Tech City.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Tech State Filter

    "field": "tech_state",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "Oslo County"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Tech State.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Tech Postal Code Filter

    "field": "tech_postal_code",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "0510"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Tech Postal Code.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Tech Street Filter

    "field": "tech_street",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "all_words",
            "value": "Lake Drive"

This filter allows full-text search in website’s Tech address.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Billing Name Filter

    "field": "billing_name",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "James Harold Nelson"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Billing Name.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Billing Organization Filter

    "field": "billing_organization",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "Example LLC"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Billing Organization.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Billing Phone Filter

    "field": "billing_phone",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "+304958332"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Billing Phone.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Billing Fax Filter

    "field": "billing_fax",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "+304958332"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Billing Fax.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Billing Email Filter

    "field": "billing_email",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": ""

This filter allows search by a domain’s Billing Email.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Billing Country Filter

    "field": "billing_country",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "us"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Billing Country.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Billing City Filter

    "field": "billing_city",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "Oslo"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Billing City.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Billing State Filter

    "field": "billing_state",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "Oslo County"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Billing State.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Billing Postal Code Filter

    "field": "billing_postal_code",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "0510"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Billing Postal Code.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Billing Street Filter

    "field": "billing_street",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "all_words",
            "value": "Lake Drive"

This filter allows full-text search in website’s Billing address.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
all_words if you want to search for the all words from the given value
any_word if you want to search for any word from the given value
exact_phrase if you want to search for an exact phrase from the given value
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Registry Status Filter

    "field": "registry_domain_status",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "connected"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registry Status.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Registrant Organization Filter

    "field": "registrant_organization",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "DataGroup"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registrant Organization.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s registrant organization
contains if you want to search for a domain’s registrant organization that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant organization that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant organization that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s registrant organization with given value
regex if you want to search for a domain’s registrant organization that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s registrant organization that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Registrant Country Filter

    "field": "registrant_country",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "US"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registrant Country.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s registrar name
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Registrant Phone Filter

    "field": "registrant_phone",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "+1.2346789012"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registrant Phone.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s registrant phone
contains if you want to search for a domain’s registrant phone that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant phone that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant phone that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s registrant phone with given value
regex if you want to search for a domain’s registrant phone that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s registrant phone that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Registrant Fax Filter

    "field": "registrant_fax",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "+1.2346789012"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registrant Fax.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s registrant fax
contains if you want to search for a domain’s registrant fax that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant fax that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant fax that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s registrant fax with given value
regex if you want to search for a domain’s registrant fax that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s registrant fax that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Registrant Email Filter

    "field": "registrant_email",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": ""

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registrant Email.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s registrant email
contains if you want to search for a domain’s registrant email that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant email that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant email that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s registrant email with given value
regex if you want to search for a domain’s registrant email that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s registrant email that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Registrant City Filter

    "field": "registrant_city",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "Tempe"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registrant City.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s registrant city
contains if you want to search for a domain’s registrant city that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant city that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant city that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s registrant city with given value
regex if you want to search for a domain’s registrant city that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s registrant city that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Registrant State Filter

    "field": "registrant_state",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "Arizona"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registrant State.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s registrant state
contains if you want to search for a domain’s registrant state that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant state that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant state that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s registrant state with given value
regex if you want to search for a domain’s registrant state that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s registrant state that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Registrant Postal Code Filter

    "field": "registrant_postal_code",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "85284"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registrant Postal Code.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s registrant postal code
contains if you want to search for a domain’s registrant postal code that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant postal code that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant postal code that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s registrant postal code with given value
regex if you want to search for a domain’s registrant postal code that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s registrant postal code that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Registrant Street Filter

    "field": "registrant_street",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "any_word",
            "value": "Sunnyside"

This filter allows full-text search in Registrant Street.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s registrant street address
contains if you want to search for a domain’s registrant street address that contains a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s registrant street address with given value
starts_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant street address that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant street address that ends with a specified string
all_words if you want to search for the all words that contain a domain’s registrant street address
any_word if you want to search for any word that contain a domain’s registrant street address
exact_phrase if you want to search for a phrase in a domain’s registrant street address
regex if you want to search for a domain’s registrant street address that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s registrant street address that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

Reseller Name Filter

    "field": "reseller",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "wildcard",
            "value": "*Test*"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Reseller Name.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s reseller name
contains if you want to search for a domain’s reseller name that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a domain’s reseller name that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain’s reseller name that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s reseller name with given value
regex if you want to search for a domain’s reseller name that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s reseller name that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Registrant Name Filter

    "field": "registrant",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "John Smith"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Registrant Name.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s registrant name
contains if you want to search for a domain’s registrant name that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant name that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain’s registrant name that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s registrant name with given value
regex if you want to search for a domain’s registrant name that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s registrant name that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq query type it supports fuzzy search.

Web Usage Filter

    "field": "web_usage",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "inactive"

This filter allows search by a domain’s Web Usage. Possible options:

query_type description
eq search for exact web usage out of possible options

DNS A Record Filter

    "field": "A",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "wildcard",
            "value": "1.1.???.*"

This filter allows search by a DNS “A” record.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a DNS A record
contains if you want to search for a DNS A record that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a DNS A record that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a DNS A record that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a DNS A record with given value
regex if you want to search for a DNS A record that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a DNS A record that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

DNS AAAA Record Filter

    "field": "AAAA",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "wildcard",
            "value": "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:3257:9652"

This filter allows search by a DNS “AAAA” record.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a DNS AAAA record
contains if you want to search for a DNS AAAA record that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a DNS AAAA record that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a DNS AAAA record that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a DNS AAAA record with given value
regex if you want to search for a DNS AAAA record that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a DNS AAAA record that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

DNS CAA Record Filter

    "field": "CAA",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "wildcard",
            "value": "issue"

This filter allows search by a DNS “CAA” record.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a DNS CAA record
contains if you want to search for a DNS CAA record that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a DNS CAA record that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a DNS CAA record that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a DNS CAA record with given value
regex if you want to search for a DNS CAA record that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a DNS CAA record that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

DNS MX Record Filter

    "field": "MX",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "wildcard",
            "value": "mx*"

This filter allows search by a DNS “MX” record.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a DNS MX record
contains if you want to search for a DNS MX record that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a DNS MX record that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a DNS MX record that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a DNS MX record with given value
regex if you want to search for a DNS MX record that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a DNS MX record that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

DNS NS Record Filter

    "field": "NS",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "wildcard",
            "value": "*"

This filter allows search by a DNS “NS” record.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a DNS NS record
contains if you want to search for a DNS NS record that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a DNS NS record that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a DNS NS record that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a DNS NS record with given value
regex if you want to search for a DNS NS record that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a DNS NS record that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

DNS TXT Filter

    "field": "TXT",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "starts_with",
            "value": [

This filter allows search by some DNS TXT values. Possible options:

Filter will return domains that have these options present in DNS TXT.

query_type description
starts_with if you want to search for a value that starts with a specified string
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

DNS SPF Records Filter

    "field": "TXT_SPF",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "startswith_v=spf",
            "value": "zendesk"

This filter allows search by some DNS TXT SPF records.
For example, putting “zendesk” in this filter will return all domains that have a Zendesk record in their TXT SPF records.

query_type description
startswith_v=spf if you want to search for DNS SPF record that starts with a specified string

DNS TXT Full-text Search filter

    "field": "TXT_full_text_search",  // filter name
    "values": [  // specify one or more filter values. All values are combined with AND operator
            "query_type": "all_words",
            "value": "google"

This filter allows a full-text search in a DNS “TXT” record.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a domain’s DNS “TXT” record
contains if you want to search for a domain’s DNS “TXT” record that contains a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a domain’s DNS “TXT” record with given value
starts_with if you want to search for a domain’s DNS “TXT” record that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a domain’s DNS “TXT” record that ends with a specified string
all_words if you want to search for the all words that contain a domain’s DNS “TXT” record
any_word if you want to search for any word that contain a domain’s DNS “TXT” record
exact_phrase if you want to search for a phrase in a domain’s DNS “TXT” record
regex if you want to search for a domain’s DNS “TXT” record that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a domain’s DNS “TXT” record that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

For eq, all_words and any_word query type it supports fuzzy search.

DNSSEC filter

    "field": "dnssec",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "has_value",
            "value": true

This filter allows to filter domains by DNSSEC presence.

query_type description
has_value shows only domains that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Developed Domains Filter

    "field": "developed_domains",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "exclude_developed"

This filter allows search for developed domains.

query_type description
eq set “exclude_developed” in the value field to exclude developed domains from the search results. Or set “only_developed” to search for only developed domains.

Parked Domains Filter

    "field": "parked_domains",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "exclude_parked"

This filter allows search for parked domains.

query_type description
eq set “exclude_parked” in the value field to exclude parked domains from the search results. Or set “only_parked” to search for only parked domains.

Reachable/Unreachable Domains Filter

    "field": "status",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "only_reachable"

This filter allows search for reachable/unreachable domains.

query_type description
eq set “only_reachable” in the value field to exclude unreachable domains from the search results (i.e. those that had HTTP response codes equal to 1xx, 4xx, 5xx or that didn’t respond at all). Or set “only_unreachable” to search for only unreachable domains

HTTP Status Code Filter

    "field": "status_code",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "200"

This filter allows search by HTTP Status Code.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for domains with an exact HTTP Status Code value
in the list of HTTP Status Code values to search for
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given HTTP Status Code value in this field
lt if you want to search for domains with an HTTP Status Code value less than a given value
lte if you want to search for domains with an HTTP Status Code value less than or equal to a given value
gt if you want to search for domains with an HTTP Status Code value greater than a given value
gte if you want to search for domains with an HTTP Status Code value greater than or equal to a given value
has_value if you want to show only websites that have/don’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

DMARC Exists Filter

    "field": "dmarc_exists",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": true

This filter allows search for domains with/without DMARC records.

query_type description
eq set true in the value field to get only domains that have DMARC record, or set false otherwise. Accepts boolean values

WHOIS Exists Filter

    "field": "whois_exists",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": true

This filter allows search for domains with/without WHOIS records.

query_type description
eq set true in the value field to get only domains that have WHOIS record, or set false otherwise. Accepts boolean values

Registered/Not registered Domains Filter

    "field": "registered",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "registered"

This filter allows search for registered/not registered domains.

query_type description
eq set “registered” in the value field to show only registered domains. Or set “not_registered” to search for only not registered domains

SSL Certificate Issuer Filter

    "field": "cert_issuer",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "contains",
            "value": "let's encrypt"

This filter allows search by SSL certificate issuer.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a SSL certificate issuer
contains if you want to search for a SSL certificate issuer that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a SSL certificate issuer that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a SSL certificate issuer that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a SSL certificate issuer with given value
regex if you want to search for a SSL certificate issuer that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a SSL certificate issuer that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

SSL Certificate Subject Filter

    "field": "cert_subject",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "contains",
            "value": "domaincrawler"

This filter allows search by SSL certificate subject.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a SSL certificate subject
contains if you want to search for a SSL certificate subject that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a SSL certificate subject that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a SSL certificate subject that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a SSL certificate subject with given value
regex if you want to search for a SSL certificate subject that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a SSL certificate subject that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

SSL Certificate Authority Information Access Filter

    "field": "cert_authority_information_access",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "contains",
            "value": ""

This filter allows search by SSL certificate Authority Information Access.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a SSL certificate Authority Information Access
contains if you want to search for a SSL certificate Authority Information Access that contains a specified string
starts_with if you want to search for a SSL certificate Authority Information Access that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a SSL certificate Authority Information Access that ends with a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a SSL certificate Authority Information Access with given value
regex if you want to search for a SSL certificate Authority Information Access that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a SSL certificate Authority Information Access that matches a specified wildcard
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

SSL Certificate Start Date Filter

    "field": "cert_start_date",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "gte",
            "value": "2021-05-14"

This filter allows search by SSL certificate start date.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for domains with an exact SSL certificate start date
lt if you want to search for domains with an SSL certificate start date less than a given value
lte if you want to search for domains with an SSL certificate start date less than or equal to a given value
gt if you want to search for domains with an SSL certificate start date greater than a given value
gte if you want to search for domains with an SSL certificate start date greater than or equal to a given value
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

SSL Certificate Expire Date Filter

    "field": "cert_expire_date",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "gte",
            "value": "2021-05-14"

This filter allows search by SSL certificate expiration date.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for domains with an exact SSL certificate expiration date
lt if you want to search for domains with an SSL certificate expiration date less than a given value
lte if you want to search for domains with an SSL certificate expiration date less than or equal to a given value
gt if you want to search for domains with an SSL certificate expiration date greater than a given value
gte if you want to search for domains with an SSL certificate expiration date greater than or equal to a given value
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

SSL Certificate Invalid Filter

    "field": "cert_invalid",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": true

This filter allows filtering by SSL certificate validity.

query_type description
eq accepts boolean values (true/false) to filter by valid/invalid SSL certificates. true for invalid certificates, false for valid ones.

SSL Certificate Expired Filter

    "field": "cert_expired",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": true

This filter allows filtering by expired SSL certificates.

query_type description
eq accepts boolean values (true/false) to filter by expired/not expired SSL certificates. true for expired certificates, false for not expired ones.

SSL Certificate RSA Public Key Filter

    "field": "cert_rsa_public_key",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "256"

This filter allows search by SSL certificate RSA Public Key.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for domains with an exact SSL certificate RSA Public Key
lt if you want to search for domains with an SSL certificate RSA Public Key less than a given value
lte if you want to search for domains with an SSL certificate RSA Public Key less than or equal to a given value
gt if you want to search for domains with an SSL certificate RSA Public Key greater than a given value
gte if you want to search for domains with an SSL certificate RSA Public Key greater than or equal to a given value
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Autonomous System Number Filter

    "field": "asn",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "12345"

This filter allows search by Autonomous System Number.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for domains with an exact ASN value
lt if you want to search for domains with an ASN value less than a given value
lte if you want to search for domains with an ASN value less than or equal to a given value
gt if you want to search for domains with an ASN value greater than a given value
gte if you want to search for domains with an ASN value greater than or equal to a given value
has_value if you want to show only websites that have/don’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Autonomous System Organization Filter

    "field": "aso",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "wildcard",
            "value": "* AG"

This filter allows search by Autonomous System Organization.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for an ASO value
contains if you want to search for an ASO value that contains a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain an ASO value with given value
regex if you want to search for an ASO value that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for an ASO value that matches a specified wildcard
starts_with if you want to search for an ASO value that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for an ASO value that ends with a specified string

GeoIP Filter

    "field": "geo",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "DE"

This filter allows search by GeoIP country code.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a country code
contains if you want to search for a country code that contains a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a country code with given value
regex if you want to search for a country code that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a country code that matches a specified wildcard
starts_with if you want to search for a country code that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a country code that ends with a specified string
has_value if you want to show only websites that have/don’t have a value for a country code. Accepts boolean values

Google Analytics Filter

    "field": "google_analytics",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "UA-10876-1"

This filter allows search by Google Analytics ID.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a Google Analytics ID
contains if you want to search for a Google Analytics ID that contains a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a Google Analytics ID with given value
regex if you want to search for a Google Analytics ID that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a Google Analytics ID that matches a specified wildcard
starts_with if you want to search for a Google Analytics ID that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a Google Analytics ID that ends with a specified string
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values
    "field": "google_ads",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "ca-pub-4361859264706338"

This filter allows search by Google Ads ID.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Meta Facebook Pixel Filter

    "field": "facebook_pixel",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "282429905966327"

This filter allows search by Meta Facebook Pixel ID.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Hotjar Tracking ID Filter

    "field": "hotjar_tracking",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "3322778"

This filter allows search by Hotjar Tracking ID.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Bing Universal Event Tracking (UET) Filter

    "field": "bing_uet",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "5526911"

This filter allows search by Bing Universal Event Tracking (UET).

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Cloudflare Web Analytics Filter

    "field": "cf_web_analytics",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "has_value",
            "value": true

This filter allows search by Cloudflare Web Analytics.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Hubspot Filter

    "field": "hubspot",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "39890212"

This filter allows search by Hubspot.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match
contains if you want to search for domains that contain a specified string in this field
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a given value in this field
regex if you want to search this field with a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search this field with a specified wildcard
starts_with if you want to search for domains that starts with a specified string in this field
ends_with if you want to search for domains that end with a specified string in this field
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Parking DRID Analytics Filter

    "field": "parking_drid",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "contains",
            "value": "as-drid"

This filter allows search by Parking DRID.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a Parking DRID
contains if you want to search for a Parking DRID that contains a specified string
exclude if you want to exclude results that contain a Parking DRID with given value
regex if you want to search for a Parking DRID that matches a specified regular expression
wildcard if you want to search for a Parking DRID that matches a specified wildcard
starts_with if you want to search for a Parking DRID that starts with a specified string
ends_with if you want to search for a Parking DRID that ends with a specified string
has_value if you want to show only websites that has/doesn’t have a value for this field. Accepts boolean values

Hosting Name Filter

    "field": "hosting_name",  // filter name
    "values": [
            "query_type": "eq",
            "value": "cloudflare"

This filter allows search by Hosting Name.

query_type description
eq if you want to search for exact match for a hosting name

Response Description


Key Description
domains The array with found domains.
tlds The number of found domains per TLD.
total The total number of found domains (even if “limit” is set, this number shows the non-limited number of found domains).


CSV/XLSX output provides a list of found domains with selected fields.

Domain Details endpoint

DomainCrawler API banner


import requests

r = requests.get(
    auth=('user', 'password')

curl -u "user:password" ''

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "domain": "",
  "dns": {
    "2021-02-22 12:45:50": {
      "A": [
      "AAAA": [
      "MX": [
      "NS": [
      "TXT": [
        "v=spf1 -all",
    "2021-02-26 02:44:32": {
      "A": [
      "AAAA": [
      "MX": [
      "NS": [
      "TXT": [
        "v=spf1 -all",
  "apps": {
    "2021-02-22 12:45:50": [
        "categories": [
        "name": "Amazon ECS"
        "categories": [
        "name": "Amazon Web Services"
        "categories": [
        "name": "Docker"
    "2021-02-26 02:44:32": [
        "categories": [
        "name": "Docker"
        "categories": [],
        "name": "Linux"
        "categories": [
        "name": "Amazon ECS"
        "categories": [
        "name": "Amazon Web Services"


This endpoint allows to get all the data about specified domain.
It also accepts subdomains, but even then it returns data about a main domain, not a subdomain.

HTTP Request


Response Description

Response is a big JSON file with various keys. Each key describes a data point. Each value is an object for a corresponding data point, that contains dates when the data was downloaded and value for each date. The result JSON is too big to be shown in the documentation, see a small example with just a few datapoints included at right.

Historical Data endpoints


These endpoints provide historical data for a specified domain.

To get the historical data, first, you need to get the list of dates for which we have corresponding historical data. For WHOIS you can skip this step if you want to get latest records (see WHOIS data section below).

Dates list

import requests

r = requests.get(
    auth=('user', 'password')

curl -u "user:password" ''

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "resource": [
      "date": "2021-09-13T17:56:32.431000"
      "date": "2021-09-08T15:00:27.276000"
      "date": "2021-09-06T01:59:48.942000"

HTTP Request



Possible data types are:

A response will contain all the dates for the corresponding data type in a descending order.

Historical data

import requests

r = requests.get(
    auth=('user', 'password')

curl -u "user:password" ''

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "resource": {
    "date": "2020-07-02T00:33:34.641000",
    "domain": "com.domaincrawler",
    "values": {
      "A": [
      "SOA": null,
      "TXT": null,
      "AAAA": null,
      "CNAME": null,
      "NS": [
      "MX": [

HTTP Request



Possible data points are:

WHOIS data

For WHOIS data it is possible to get latest saved WHOIS without sending data argument:


It is also possible to get the latest saved WHOIS responses for multiple domains (up to 1000) in one request via whois_list endpoint:


A list of domains must be provided in request body in JSON format with Content-Type: application/json header set.

// JSON request body example
  "domains": [
// cURL request example
curl -X POST -u "user:password" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"domains": ["", ""]}'

Upload domains endpoint


import requests

r =
    auth=('user', 'password'),
      "domains": [

curl -u "user:password" -X POST -d '{ "domains": [ "","" ] }' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' ''

The above command should return OK 200 with JSON message:

  "success": true

The endpoint makes possible to upload new domains to DB.

HTTP Request


JSON Parameters

Parameter Value Description
domains [array of strings] Domains to upload.

Monitor domains endpoints


These endpoints give users a posibility to monitor changes in domains' info.

You cannot monitor domains without a group and a group cannot exist without any domains to monitor.

Groups list


import requests

r = requests.get(
    auth=('user', 'password')

curl -u "user:password" ''

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "name": "group_name",
        "user": "user_name",
        "domains": [

The endpoint to get the list of current users' groups with monitored domains.

HTTP Request


Create monitor group

import requests

r =
    auth=('user', 'password'),

curl -u "user:password" '' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-raw '{

The above command should return:

"Created a group", 200

HTTP Request


JSON Parameters

Parameter Value Description
group_name string Name of new group.
domains [array of strings] Domains to upload.

Edit monitor group

import requests

r = requests.put(
    auth=('user', 'password'),

curl -u "user:password" '' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-raw '{

The above command should return:

"Saved changes to a group", 200

HTTP Request


JSON Parameters

Parameter Value Description
group_id string Id of edited group.
group_name string Name for edited group.
domains [array of strings] Domains to monitor.

Delete a group


import requests

r = requests.get(
    auth=('user', 'password')

curl -u "user:password" ''

The above command should return:

"Unsubscribed", 200

The endpoint to delete a group and stop monitoring domains in that group.

HTTP Request


Stop monitoring a domain in a specified group


import requests

r = requests.get(
    auth=('user', 'password')

curl -u "user:password" ''

The above command should return:

"Unsubscribed", 200

HTTP Request


Stop monitoring all domains and delete all groups


import requests

r = requests.get(
    auth=('user', 'password')

curl -u "user:password" ''

The above command should return:

"Unsubscribed", 200

HTTP Request


Hosting Name endpoint


import requests

r = requests.get(
    auth=('user', 'password')

curl -u "user:password" ''

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "domain": "", 
  "hosting": "Internet Vikings International AB"

or in a case of error

  "error": "hosting_unknown", 
  "msg": "Can't retrieve hosting"

The endpoint provides a domain hosting name.

HTTP Request


Response Description

Returns JSON with domain and hosting fields. In the case if domain isn’t found or hosted returns error hosting_unknown.

Hosting Details endpoint


import requests

r = requests.get(
    auth=('user', 'password')

curl -u "user:password" ''

The above command returns plain text response from Regional Internet Registry

The endpoint provides a domain hosting details.

HTTP Request


Response Description

Returns plain text response from Regional Internet Registry.

Bulk Domains Search endpoint


import requests

r =
    auth=('user', 'password'),
        "domains": [
        "fields": [
        "sort": "domain",
        "format": "json",
        "from": 0,
        "limit": 100

curl -u "user:password" '' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-raw '{
    "domains": [
    "fields": [
    "sort": "domain",
    "format": "json",
    "from": 0,
    "limit": 100

The above command returns data associated with the list of domains.

The endpoint provides batch loading data for the list of domains.

HTTP Request


Response Description

Returns data associated with the list of domains.

Output fields

You can choose what fields should be present in a response. domain is always included

All available output fields:


You can specify a field to sort results by.
To sort in descending order, put - in the beginning, e.g. -registration_date.
Defaults to domain.

Available fields to sort by:


DomainCrawler API banner

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Check you JSON arguments.
401 Unauthorized – Login or password is wrong.
404 Not Found – The specified endpoint could not be found.
444 Max results reached – Too many domains matched your search. Try to be more specific and apply more filters.
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access endpoint with an invalid method.
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.